Monday, November 15, 2010

Three Girls Farm wins at OABA Alpaca Fest 2010

This November, we took two cria to the OABA AlpacaFest in Springfield Ohio. We very happy to say that they both won a ribbon. Our bay black juvenile girl, Dance Magic, took a blue ribbon, her second win in as many shows! And our true black juvenile girl, Dark Star, took home the 2nd place red ribbon. It was a very competitive show, and we were very happy with the results.

Meet Libby, our newest cria.

This spunky little alpaca is very dense with the finest handle. She's only a few months old, but it looks like she may turn out to be a silver grey. When you down in that fleece, you can start to see all those grey fibers...only time will tell.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall 2010 yarn production

Three Girls Farm has just received the latest production of our Lopi yarn. We are very happy with the blends we chose this time around. We blended fleece with 3% merino to create some beautiful colors. We also had some fantastic results blending grey alpaca with merino. I must say, I dont often see cottage made yarn of this quality. I can't wait to get knitting. A limited amount is for sale along with Constance and Hunter Black that we still have on hand.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yarns and Stuff is up and running!

Ever say to yourself... I want some of that awesome yarn from three girls farm! Well now you can buy it! By following the link in the sidebar (Yarns and Stuff), you can go directly to the new site, and buy yarn, as well as hand made projects from Beth and Carly. So... go check it out now! (cause I know you want to!)
The Web address is